
The Library contains dozens of books, both fiction and non-fiction,
manuals, handbooks, guides, etc. There are Scouting Trivia Books, Baden
Powell Books, and Philmont Ranch information books. We have a book entitled
Scouting on Two Continents by Major Frederick Russell Burnham D.S.O.,
Chief of Scouts under Lord Roberts, copyright 1926. Newly acquired is
An American Family on the African Frontier The Burnham Family Letters
1893-1896, edited by Mary and Richard Bradford, 1993.
The Library contains hundred of Merit Badge Books. Most interesting
is the transition of the Civics Merit Badge. It started in 1911 and
remained relatively unchanged until 1947. Then it was changed to Citizenship
from 1948 to 1952. It then split into Citizenship in the Home (1952
to 1972 then discontinued), Citizenship in the Community (1952 to present),
Citizenship in the Nation (1952 to present with a design change in 1975),
and Citizenship in the World (1972 to present).
The Library has a comparison Trail to Eagle taking the 1944 BSA Handbook
and comparing it to the 1998 BSA Handbook.
There are portraits of Lord Baden-Powell, Otis Chidester, the Otis
H. Chidester Memorial Award plaque, and others.