
Photo by Joyce Coon
These are some of the very old Merit Badge Books that are either on
display, or will be, following the rotation process. Those not on display
reside in the Library of the Museum. Books date from the 1920's up through
the 1990's. Many of these books were Otis Chidester's personal collection.
Others have been donated to the Museum.
Archery 1932
Athletics 1928
Basketry 1937
Bird Study 1925
Bookbinding 1930
Canoeing 1928
Cotton Farming 1931
Craftsmanship/Bookbinding 1926
Machinery 1920
Farm, Home & its Planning 1930
First Aid 1930
First Aid to Animals 1930
Forestry 1927
Handicraft 1930
Horsemanship 1932
Indian Lore 1932
Journalism 1927
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