Languages & Cultures of East AsiaTrad 101, Sections 18-19-20-21 Fall 2000Previous Lecture | Next Lecture | Lecture IndexLecture Outline, 10/4/00 - Speech ActsUse of language to achieve a certain purpose In the U.S., invitation is usually pretty straightforward: A: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? (A really
means it) Chinese/Japanese invitation - may sound pretty strange But here Let's do lunch. Different cultures do things in different ways 5 situations from the reading 1. Apology 2. Denying a compliment A: 'Nice shoes!' A: 'This is delicious!' 3. Noisy Neighbor polite Japanese? depends on the situation
it's ok not to be polite within your in-group like family no need to say thanks within family polite to foreigners (soto) uchi vs. soto - not fixed talking to colleagues, your boss is soto talking to customers, your boss is uchi 4. Self-defense you don't blame your boss (superior) or your colleague what's most important for the
boss? if you apologize it would show 5. Undecided Summary want to show you care Stereotyping? of course different people behave differently personality so I asked Japanese people who have worked in Japan