16-inch calico bass

A calico (kelp) bass taken in 1975 from the Lenbrooke out of Malibu. This fish was a typical 16 incher. They have to be 12 inches or longer to be legally kept.


Peter holding a 20-inch calico bass

A nice calico taken from the Big Kelp Reef near Point Dume.

Peter holding a 24-inch calico bass

A 7 pound 4 ounce calico bass, taken from the Aquarius  (half-day out of Malibu at the time). The fish was weighed on a digital scale, photographed, and released.

These fish grow relatively slowly (this fish was probably 15-20 years old) so I released most of the bigger ones that I caught.

Peter holding a 23.5 inch calico bass
Another good-sized calico. It measured 23 1/2 inches long, and probably weighed around 6 1/2 pounds. It too was released.

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