About Me
Peter in front of the computer  

My name is
Peter Shapley.
(That’s pronounced
not “SHAPE-LEE.”) 

Professionally, I’m a programmer and interactive designer. I’ve done web pages, interactive CD-ROMs, and museum “experiences” over the past fifteen years or so, interspersed with desktop publishing, film production, and various other projects.

Personally, I like to get away from the computer and spend time outside. When I lived in California, I did a lot of saltwater fishing, as well as hiking and camping in the eastern Sierras, as well as the local mountains around Los Angeles. In Arizona there aren’t too many fishing opportunities, but I still like to head up to Mt. Lemmon for a day in the mountains. Arizona has the Grand Canyon -- it's a ways from Tucson, but it's worth a visit.

Most of my free time these days is occupied with my wife Feng-hsi, and my son Ricky.


e-mail: pshapley@flash.net

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